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Register for Playwriting– Seats Open!

Seats are open to all UO students, regardless of major! Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity!

All pre-reqs are being waived for Fall 2023. If you would like to register for the course and need a registration override, please email with your name, 95#, and override request.

Course information: 

TA 490: Fundamentals of Playwriting
Professor Michael Malek Najjar
Tuesdays, Thursdays 10:00-11:50am
CRN: 14997
345 MCK

This course is an introduction to the art and craft of playwriting, which emphasizes reading plays, writing plays, and script analysis.  Through viewing and reading produced and published plays, students will gain a greater understanding of performance and dramaturgy.  Each week students will write, and works will be read aloud in a workshop-based setting.  Through studying structure and analyzing plays, students will gain a greater understanding of dramaturgy and playwriting techniques.  The group discussions and journal assignments will allow students to further discuss the productions and plays we will see and read in class.  Students will also learn how to submit plays for contests and festivals.